29 June 2022 /

Posibl turns to InSpire to optimize its cannabis curing environment, resulting in high-quality, consistent product.

Posibl was founded in 2017 with the intention to bring traditional agriculture technology to the cannabis industry. Based in Salinas, California, the greenhouse cannabis cultivation operation is widely recognized as a state-of-the-art “farm of the future,” on a mission to produce high quality cannabis products at an affordable price point in a sustainable way using advanced greenhouse technology. The team seeks to build on decades of mainstream agriculture experience, leveraging science and data to move the cannabis industry forward.

“InSpire has been a big part of our journey as a business. When it comes to cannabis cultivation, half of the process happens after you’ve grown the plant, and InSpire is the differentiating factor in this process for us. They are putting science behind what we do and it has allowed us to grow, improve and scale.” – Jesus Burrola, CEO Posibl Project

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